Building a strong credit score is one of the best financial moves you can make. Credit cards are great tools to help you build your credit score if you know how to go about it. If your credit card literacy is lacking, however, you can just as quickly get yourself into trouble, with your financial future buried under piles of credit card debt.
Do you know how credit cards work? Have you bought into some of the many myths that circulate about how credit cards impact your credit score? Find out how much you know about credit cards with this true or false quiz.
Correct Answer: False. When it comes to building your credit score, credit cards are more useful than cash or debit payments. Not having any debt history means that you do not have a credit score, which makes it incredibly difficult to secure a substantial loan or access other financial instruments.
Correct Answer: False. Carrying a balance does not hurt your credit score, but it does not boost it either, so in this respect, making minimum payments achieves nothing at all. On the other hand, by carrying a balance, you will incur extra costs in interest. To avoid these extra costs, pay your credit card bills on time and in full every month.
Correct Answer: True. When you apply for a new credit card, your credit score may take an initial hit due to the inquiry/pull that you make. If you are a responsible individual, however, and do not increase your spending, the extra credit available through your new card will improve your credit utilization ratio, and with it your credit score.
Correct answer: False. While it may help you avoid more credit card debt, the closing of a card will also reduce your available credit limit and thus hurt your credit utilization ratio, which could impact your credit score negatively.
Correct answer: False. Your card may still incur interest, even if you have paid off your balance in its entirety. Your lender calculates interest for the period between your billing and your payment. This interest is called residual interest.
Correct Answer: False. Credit agencies are looking for a "healthy" mix of credit on your report to prove that you are comfortable with debt and capable of responsibly handling it. Such a healthy mix ideally includes mortgages, student loans, and other types of credit, in addition to your credit card debt.
Your results:
7-8 correct answers. You have a solid grasp of how credit works, and you understand the role of credit cards in the makeup of your credit score.
5-6 correct answers. You know how credit cards work. Your tendency to believe some myths is not helpful, however.
3-4 correct answers. Your knowledge of credit and credit cards is superficial. Understanding the concepts discussed in this quiz is essential for your financial well-being.
1-2 correct answers. You do not understand how credit cards work and how they impact your credit score. You have hopefully improved your knowledge of credit cards through this quiz.
Are you worried about mounting credit card debt? Contact a ClearOne Certified Debt Specialist to find out how you can best address it and get a free savings estimate.
I cannot thank everyone at ClearOne enough from the account managers to customer service to negotiations everyone was very helpful along the way.
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ClearOne Advantage is a registered service mark of
ClearOne Advantage LLC.
ClearOne Advantage, LLC is a debt settlement company, not a lender, loan broker, creditor, credit services organization, or debt collector. ClearOne Advantage, LLC does not assume or pay any debts; receive, hold or control funds belonging to consumers; or provide bankruptcy, legal, accounting or tax advice. You should review full program terms and conditions before enrolling. To the extent that any aspect of the debt settlement services relies on or results in the consumer’s failure to make timely payments to the consumer’s creditors or debt collectors, the use of the debt settlement services: (1) Will likely adversely affect the consumer’s creditworthiness; (2) May result in the consumer being subject to collections or being sued by creditors or debt collectors; and (3) May increase the amount of money the consumer owes due to the accrual of fees and interest by creditors or debt collectors. Not available in all states. Some third-party fees may apply. C.P.D. Reg. No. T.S. 12-03822.
ClearOne Advantage is not a credit services organization and we do not make any claims regarding improvement of a consumer’s credit scores. Entering into a debt settlement program could adversely affect your credit score.
**Disclaimer - We do not charge upfront fees and you do NOT pay our fee until a settlement has been arranged, you approve the settlement, and at least one payment is made towards the settlement. As each situation is unique, fees and costs vary. Please contact us at 888-340-4697 for a free debt analysis and for complete program details.